When a Community Health Worker (CHW) visits with their participant, the Employment Pathway is one of the 21 Pathways that can be identified as a need. Once the participant recognizes that Employment is necessary and wants to find a job, the CHW opens the Pathway.

A participant can list many reasons they are looking for a job whether it be because they are unemployed, or employed but in need of:

  • Higher pay
  • Benefits
  • Safer conditions
  • More Hours
  • Childcare
  • Steady Work
  • Other

The participant will also identify their employment goals.

Once potential jobs are found, the CHW will list the applications the participant has completed and submitted on the form – the location and date the application was submitted are required.

Every two weeks, at least, the CHW will check in on the participant’s progress in obtaining a job. Once hired, the CHW confirms the date of hire and the place of employment.

In order to close the Employment Pathway, the participant still needs to be working 30 days from the date of hire.

This Pathway can be opened several times while the participant is working with the CHW.